No manufacturer wants physical contaminants found in their products, but it happens. Significant cost savings are realized when you can decrease the time required to identify a physical contaminant and locate its source. The faster you can identify it and determine if it is from faulty equipment, starting material, or even a false claim, the faster you can get production going again.
Handheld XRF is a multi-element analysis technique which is fast, non-destructive, straightforward to use, and can be taken anywhere testing is needed. It helps production, maintenance, safety, and QA/QC quickly identify and source foreign material contaminants found in manufactured foods.
This webinar explains handheld XRF technology and provides examples of how quickly and easily metal contaminants found in food can be identified. It also provides best practices in the use of spectral fingerprint matching, including the creation of a production floor library of food contact material fingerprints, for varied sample types and more complex situations.
There will be a 15-minute Q&A session where our experts will answer your questions.
Kimberley Russell
Food Safety, Agriculture & Environmental Market Segment Manager, Bruker Nano Analytics
Andrew Lee
Application Scientist, Bruker Nano Analytics
Esa Nummi
Director Product Management, Bruker Nano Analytics
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